The program that makes elite critical thinkers of teens and adults.

Start Thinking Critically Right Now
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"All of the courses I’ve attended, both in and out of the Army, have stressed the importance to think critically. This is the first time anyone has ever showed me how."
- Col. Ben Connell

"Upon completing the Critical Thinking Institute course, our team learned the thinking process and the importance of thinking more critically about everyday decisions instead of taking the “fast path.” I can now say with confidence that by putting these new thinking skills into practice, I have become a more valuable asset to my team. "
- Mac C. 21

"I’ve taught psychology at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania, and yet this is by far the most effective, accessible, and engaging program for teaching critical thinking that I have ever seen. It’s the first program I’ve seen driven by modern scientific research yet easily accessible to everyone. I wish all of my students had this program before entering my classes, or at least before graduating. I believe this will help everyone in every area of life – it did for me and it has for my students!"
- Andy L., Ph.D.

"It’s hard to put into words just how much the Critical Thinking Institute program has helped me. I’m someone who has always struggled with traditional models of work and traditional models of learning…. But the course CTI teaches is incredibly easy to understand. It’s very straightforward and it teaches the science in a way that’s intuitive. And I feel like ever since I have started incorporating those lessons into my workplace, I have started excelling in a way that I never thought I could before. If anyone is interested in learning how to think and how to see the world differently, and how to be the best and brightest version of yourself that you can be, then I cannot recommend this course enough."

- Andrew W., 25, Forensic Accountant

"Critical Thinking Mastery has made me a better critical thinker than all of my college courses combined. It should be what everyone learns in their first semester. I use its strategies at work every day to solve my clients’ problems. I used to take a backseat in team meetings but now I’m the one who leads the team in understanding the problem and creating solutions. I recommend this course to everyone I know."
- Laura C., 29, Customer Success Manager

"As a Director of Corporate Training and Development for national corporations, I cannot recommend this program enough. I’ve seen so many programs that claimed that they would improve critical thinking, and this is finally one that does it in an innovative way based on real science. I believe this can take anyone’s career to the next level, and I suspect it won’t be long before this is required by many major corporations."
- John B., Director of Corporate Training and Development

"My academic and legal experience adds both scholarly and practical critical thinking experience over 40 years. Simple yet ultimately profound, the CTI application is like a complicated puzzle suddenly coming together."
- Dr. Mark Smith

"All of the courses I’ve attended, both in and out of the Army, have stressed the importance to think critically. This is the first time anyone has ever showed me how."
- Col. Ben Connell

"Upon completing the Critical Thinking Institute course, our team learned the thinking process and the importance of thinking more critically about everyday decisions instead of taking the “fast path.” I can now say with confidence that by putting these new thinking skills into practice, I have become a more valuable asset to my team. "
- Mac C. 21

"I’ve taught psychology at Harvard and the University of Pennsylvania, and yet this is by far the most effective, accessible, and engaging program for teaching critical thinking that I have ever seen. It’s the first program I’ve seen driven by modern scientific research yet easily accessible to everyone. I wish all of my students had this program before entering my classes, or at least before graduating. I believe this will help everyone in every area of life – it did for me and it has for my students!"
- Andy L., Ph.D.

"It’s hard to put into words just how much the Critical Thinking Institute program has helped me. I’m someone who has always struggled with traditional models of work and traditional models of learning…. But the course CTI teaches is incredibly easy to understand. It’s very straightforward and it teaches the science in a way that’s intuitive. And I feel like ever since I have started incorporating those lessons into my workplace, I have started excelling in a way that I never thought I could before. If anyone is interested in learning how to think and how to see the world differently, and how to be the best and brightest version of yourself that you can be, then I cannot recommend this course enough."

- Andrew W., 25, Forensic Accountant

"Critical Thinking Mastery has made me a better critical thinker than all of my college courses combined. It should be what everyone learns in their first semester. I use its strategies at work every day to solve my clients’ problems. I used to take a backseat in team meetings but now I’m the one who leads the team in understanding the problem and creating solutions. I recommend this course to everyone I know."
- Laura C., 29, Customer Success Manager

"As a Director of Corporate Training and Development for national corporations, I cannot recommend this program enough. I’ve seen so many programs that claimed that they would improve critical thinking, and this is finally one that does it in an innovative way based on real science. I believe this can take anyone’s career to the next level, and I suspect it won’t be long before this is required by many major corporations."
- John B., Director of Corporate Training and Development

"My academic and legal experience adds both scholarly and practical critical thinking experience over 40 years. Simple yet ultimately profound, the CTI application is like a complicated puzzle suddenly coming together."
- Dr. Mark Smith

Become a Recognized Critical Thinker:  

Critical thinking is the only skill rated as essential by 100% of employers, but employers also rate the critical thinking skills of their employees is deficient.  So, learn how to get noticed by your superiors as a critical thinker.

Overcome Insecurities: 

Stop worrying about whether or not you can contribute to the meeting, defend your ideas, engage topics as intellectually as others, etc.  Possess the confidence in knowing what critical thinking is and how to do it.

Acquire Rare Metacognitive Awareness:  

Be the one who understands what your brain is trying to do, as well as how to control it.  Be the one who understands what everyone else’s brains are trying to do, and why people are acting the way they are.

Solve Problems:

Gain the thinking skills that provide deeper insights into every problem that arises and every situation you face.  Develop more comprehensive solutions and more innovative ideas.

Gain Respect: 

Be valued as the one who helps other people develop their ideas, who leads the team to better outcomes, and who not only listens to your colleagues but understands them.

Think Your Way to a Better Life Starting Right Now

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I want to cancel?

You won’t! But if you do, you have our unconditional 90-Day Money-Back Guarantee.  Just contact us within 90 days of purchase and we’ll issue a complete refund, no questions asked.  You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

What if I don’t understand the program?  

We’ve worked hard so you won’t have to.  Our proprietary Inside-Out method ensures that you’ll easily understand how your brain works and how to think better.

Can I do this on my own schedule?

Yes.  New lessons drop once per week, and you can watch them whenever it is convenient for you. And don’t worry about missing a week.  The lessons keep coming, so you can catch up if you wish.

What if I don’t learn anything?


See How Critical Thinking Can Advance Your Career

Think Critically

in every context

Gain Confidence

in knowing you think critically

Achieve Your Goals

professional and personal

Use your Whole Brain

and know how it works

Develop Your Ideas

and communicate them better

Advance your Career

no matter your profession

Start Leveraging Critical Thinking to Advance your Career Today

Independence Day Sale Ending Soon!

You have nothing to lose with our 90-Day Money Back Guarantee

Annual Payment

$789  $489

Spring Semester Special

  • Critical Thinking Mastery
  • 50 science-driven lessons
  • Proprietary Inside-Out methodology
  • Improved critical thinking in any profession

Flexible Payment

3 x $350  $199

Paid over 3 months

  • Critical Thinking Mastery
  • 50 science-driven lessons
  • Proprietary Inside-Out methodology
  • Improved critical thinking in any profession

Start Leveraging Critical Thinking to Advance your Career Today

Independence Day Sale Ending Soon!

You have nothing to lose with our 90-Day Money Back Guarantee

Critical Thinking Mastery

$2,499  $1,499

  • Critical Thinking Mastery
  • 50 science-driven lessons
  • Proprietary Inside-Out methodology
  • Improved critical thinking in any profession

CTM Professional

$3,499  $2,499

  • Critical Thinking Mastery
  • 50 science-driven lessons
  • Proprietary Inside-Out methodology
  • Improved critical thinking in any profession
  • The CTM Critical Thinking Journal - a year’s worth of reflective prompts to amplify your experience and critical thinking
  • Monthly access to the CTM “Dr. Steve Live” Zoom forum where you can ask questions of Dr. Steve himself!
  • Dr. Steve’s Bonus Breakouts—informal videos with tips and tricks from Dr. Steve
  • Access to the CTM Facebook Forum

CTM Elite


  • Critical Thinking Mastery
    50 science-driven lessons
  • Proprietary Inside-Out methodology
  • Improved critical thinking in any profession
  • The CTM Critical Thinking Journal - a year’s worth of reflective prompts to amplify your experience and critical thinking
  • Monthly access to the CTM “Dr. Steve Live” Zoom forum where you can ask questions of Dr. Steve himself!
  • Dr. Steve’s Bonus Breakouts—informal videos with tips and tricks from Dr. Steve
  • Access to the CTM Facebook Forum
  • Dr. Steve Direct—A quarterly 30-minute, 1-on-1 zoom with Dr. Steve!

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